Discussion questions for lesson #2

The Life of Antony


  1. What were Antony’s incentives for becoming ascetic?
  2. Antony is widely considered not only an archetypal Christian saint but also the first ascetic. Was he really the first?
  3. The Life of Antony was called a brave attempt at articulating evil. How is evil depicted in this work? What are its names, guises, actions?
  4. What can you say about Antony’s wisdom? Is it intellectual wisdom? How does it emerge in Antony’s contention with the philosophers? (paragraphs 72-80)
  5. In What words and images is articulated Antony’s power?
  6. Although Antony is removed from civilization, is he entirely cut off from society?
  7. What roles did Antony assume in his life?


Lives and Sayings of Desert Fathers


  1. 1. The aim of the monk’s lives was not asceticism but God. What do you think is meant by that?
  2. Evagrius described the monk as one who is separated from all and united to all. What do you think he meant?
  3. Did the Desert Fathers live according to the Gospel?


Life of Simeon the Stylite:


  1. Was Simeon’s asceticism similar to that of the Desert Fathers’?
  2. What made Simeon a holy man?
  3. What meanings does the pillar have in the text?


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