College Seminar 280-04
Fall 2004

Midterm Examination

An electronic copy of your exam is due by 3 pm on Monday, October 18.

Select 3 of the following topics and write a thoughtful 1-2 page essay addressing each of your chosen topics. Base your answers on our readings and discussions of these topics.

A. Choose two of our readings and consider what they do to illuminate and expand our understanding of selfhood. What fresh images, new analytic concepts, or new synthesis of ideas do these readings offer? How do their perspectives add to or deepen taken-for-granted commonsense? What new issues do they raise for you? How do they do this?

B. Consider Zosima`s ethics, ontology and faith as an implied critique of Ivan`s rebellion and the rebellion of the Grand Inquisitor.

C. Zosima`s two important arguments in the book are that life is paradise and that we are all guilty for each other. The two arguments are linked. Consider how.

D. Do you agree with Dostoevsky`s declaration in the Author`s note: that Alyosha is the hero of the novel? If not, who is the hero of the novel? Why?

E. Ivan cannot reconcile himself with the world`s disharmony. Discuss his argument. What if anything is wrong with his approach? How do our other characters or authors (Francis, Antony, Diogenes, Socrates, Epictetus, Desert Fathers) approach this dilemma? Choose any one of them and discuss his approach.

Good luck!

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