2016 The Phenomenology of Foolishness for Christ's Sake: Gendered Aspects, ASEEES, Washington DC, USA
2016 Monastic and Urban Holy Foolishness in Palladius' Lausiac History, The New College Conference on Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Sarasota, USA
2015 Andrei Zviagintsev's "Leviathan" (2014) and its Contexts, AATSEEL, Vancouver, BC, Canada
2014 From Isidora to Pussy Riot: Female Holy Fools in Eastern Orthodox Tradition. OTRF, UK
2014 Zviagintsev's Elena (2011): And the Last Shall be First. CAS, Brock University, Ontario, Canada
2010 Lives and Vitae of Holy
Fools in Medieval Russia: the Case of Vasilii the Blessed of Moscow. CAS, Montreal, QC, Canada
2009 Medieval Slavic
Appropriations of Byzantine Spirituality: the Example of Fools for Christ,
Lecture, PIMS, University of
Toronto, Canada
2009 Holy Foolishness in the Paterikon of Kievan Caves
Monastery, AAASS Convention, Boston, MA
2009 (Un)holy Foolishness in Abuladze’s Repentance and Lungin's
Taxi-Blues and The Island, Congress of the Social Sciences and
Humanities, Canadian Association of Slavists, Ottawa, ON
2008 “Isaakii of the Kievan Caves Monastery: An Ascetic Feigning
Madness or a Madman-Turned-Saint?” Lecture, PIMS, University of Toronto, Canada
2008 The Paradigm of the Hebrew Prophet and the Russian
Tradition of Iurodstvo, International Congress of Slavists, Macedonia
2007 Holy Foolery and Playing the Fool in Post-Soviet Cinematic
Commentary on the Era of Stagnation, AAASS Convention, New Orleans, LA
2007 Urban Saints of Medieval Russia: the Fool for Christ as a
Prophet International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds, UK
2006 Nature and Salvation in the Prose of Svetlana Vasilenko,
AAASS Convention, Washington DC
2005 Quest for Selfhood and Dystopia in Post-Soviet Literature: Valerii Shevchuk’s Eye of the Abyss.
AATSEEL Convention, Washington DC
2005 “Francis of Assisi and the Paradigm of Foolishness for
Christ,” 39th International Congress on the Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI
2004 “The Poetics of Foolishness in Christ in Post-Soviet
Russian Literature: Svetlana Vasilenko’s novel-vita, “Little Fool,” AAASS
Convention, Boston, MA
2003 “Deconstructing the Soviet Canon: Ukraine as the
Other in the Prose of Valerii Shevchuk,” AAASS Convention, Toronto
2003 St. Prokopii of Ustiug: the Life of a Holy Fool in
the Making, 38th International Congress on the Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI
2002 Foolishness in Christ: Eastern Orthodox and Western
Catholic Perspectives, American Academy of Religion Annual Convention, Toronto,
2002 Post-Colonial Discourse in Valerii Shevchuk's “The
Eye of the Abyss”: Ascetics and Visionaries or Crooks and Tyrants?
Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities, CAS, Toronto, ON
2001 Novgorodian Paradigm of Holy Foolishness, AATSEEL
Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA
2001 The Iurodivyi and the Drama of Boris Godunov in
Karamzin's History, Pushkin's Tragedy, and Musorgskii's Opera, Symposium
"The Many Lives of Boris Godunov," University of Toronto
2001 Provocative Holiness of Byzantine Fools in Christ,
Conference on Byzantine Monasticisms,
of Toronto, ON
2000 Folly without Holiness: Paradigm of Holy
Foolishness in the Correspondence between Ivan the Terrible and Prince
Kurbskii, AATSEEL Annual Convention, Washington DC
1999 The Subtext of Christian Asceticism in Aleksandr
Solzhenitsyn’s ‘One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich,’ Congress of the Social
Sciences and Humanities, CAS, Sherbrook, Quebec
1998 Isaak of the Cave Monastery and Avraamii of Smolensk:
Holy Foolishness in Kievan Rus,
AAASS National Convention, Boca Raton,
1997 Myth and Anti-Myth: Valerii Shevchuk’s ‘To the Maw of
The Dragon,’
AAASS National Convention, Seattle, Washington
1997 Holy Foolish Sanctity in Tolstoi, AATSEEL Annual
Convention, Washington DC
1996 Valerii Shevchuk’s ‘Hunchback Zoya’: Dialogue of
Genders, AAASS National Convention, Boston, Massachusetts
1996 Symbolic Subtexts of Valerii Shevchuk, Fifteenth
Annual Conference on Ukrainian subjects, UIUC, Illinois
1995 The King Saltan Tale as a Part of Pushkin’s
Eschatological Mythology, AATSEEL Annual Convention, Chicago, Illinois
1995 Abysmal Rebirth: Andrei Bely’s Symbolist Aesthetics,
Graduate Student Conference, “Russian Literature and Society
between Two Wars (1856-1914),” Toronto, Canada