Brother Sun Sister Moon

by Franco Zeffirelli



1. Discuss the plot of the film. What do you know about Francis’ past? What is his background?


2. What are the most memorable moments/shots/episodes in this film?


3. What are the most important episodes? Discuss one of them.


4. By what means Francis’ life is divided into past and present? How are these two stages of his life juxtaposed?


5. How is Clare portrayed in this film?


6. Clare says, "I don't want to be understood, I want to understand!  I don't want to
be loved, I want to love!" Discuss.


7. What ideological agenda is endorsed in this film? How does it go along with the historical figures of Francis and Clare of Assisi?


8. Why did Francis have to strip naked? What significance in this episode has the location? What does his nakedness symbolize?


9. Comment on the portrayal of the Catholic Church in this film.


10. Is Francis portrayed in this film as an insane person? Is he perceived and/or treated as such? Discuss.


11. Why do you think this film embraces only the early years of St. Francis’ life and spiritual quest?


12. How is Francis portrayed in this film? Do you think this portrayal is accurate? Why or why not?


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