Michel Foucault

Technologies of the self


Discussion Questions:


  1. What do you know about Michael Foucault and his work?
  2. What is the subject-matter of his research?
  3. What question does MF address in this article?
  4. What technologies in MF’s opinion were developed in pursuit of human self-knowledge? What defines all these technologies?
  5. What is discourse?
  6. What is governmentality?
  7. Discuss the Greco-Roman concept of having to know oneself. How does Foucault explain it?
  8. How does the article compare the Greco-Roman (pagan) and early Christian interpretations of the concept of ‘having to know oneself’? What discourse (i.e. terminology, vocabulary) is used by each of these worldviews? How are the respective communities conceptualized? What are their goals?
  9. Discuss the relation between self-care and self-knowledge in Greco-Roman and Christian worldviews.
  10. Discuss the relation between being occupied with oneself and political activity. Express your own opinion in this regard.
  11. What are the most important characteristics of Stoicism? What are the principal features of Stoic askesis?
  12. What place do self-knowledge and transformation of the self occupy within Christian worldview?
  13. When talking about the early Christianity, MF points to three models of expiating one’s sins and “disclosing oneself.” Discuss these three models.
  14. Discuss the practice of ‘obedience’ in monastic life.
  15. Discuss contemplation in monastic life.
  16. MF posits that verbalization is the most important Christian technique of self. Why? Do you agree?



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