В Пути.
Урок 9.
Глаголы движения с приставками.
Prefixed verbs of motion
p. 239
Prefixes that show direction (directional prefixes) are added to unprefixed verbs of motion to indicate the direction of the motion.
Perfective verbs are formed when directional prefixes combine with verbs of unidirectional motion:
При + ехать -- приехать
У + ехать -- уехать
При + идти -- прийти (note the change in spelling: идти à -йти)
У + идти -- уйти
When a directional prefix is added to a verb of unidirectional motion a new perfective verb with a different meaning is formed. The same prefix is used to form a corresponding imperfective verb.
to arrive on foot (perfective)--прийти
to leave on foot (perfective)--уйти
to arrive on foot (imperfective)--приходить
to leave on foot (imperfective)--уходить
to arrive [by plane] (perfective)--прилететь
to depart [by plane] (perfective)--улететь
to arrive [by plane] (imperfective)--прилетать
to depart [by plane] (imperfective)--улетать
to bring [by vehicle] (perfective)--привезти
to take away [by vehicle] (perfective)--увезти
to bring [by vehicle] (imperfective)--привозить
to take away [by vehicle] (imperfective)--увозить
to bring (with you, leading) [on foot] (perfective)--привести
to take away (with you, leading) [on foot] (perfective)--увести
to bring (with you, leading) [on foot] (imperfective)--приводить
to take away (with you, leading) [on foot] (imperfective)--уводить
to bring [on foot] (perfective)--принести
to take away [on foot] (perfective)--унести
to bring [on foot] (imperfective)--приносить
to take away [on foot] (imperfective)--уносить
arrive (by vehicle) (perfective)--приехать
depart (by vehicle) (perfective)--уехать
arrive (by vehicle) (imperfective)--приезжать
depart (by vehicle) (imperfective)--уезжать
to come running (perfective)--прибежать
to run away (perfective)--убежать
to come running (imperfective)--прибегать
to run away (imperfective)--убегать
to arrive by water (perfective)--приплыть
to depart by water (perfective)--уплыть
to arrive by water (imperfective)--приплывать
to depart by water (imperfective)-- уплывать
enter (imperfective)--входить
enter (perfective)--войти
exit (imperfective)--выходить
exit (perfective)--выйти
approach [on foot] (imperfective); подходить
approach [on foot] (perfective)--подойти
step back (away) (imperfective)--отходить
step back (away) (perfective)--отойти
drive up to (perfective)--подъехать
drive away (perfective)--отъехать
drive up to (imperfective)--подъезжать
drive away (imperfective)--отъезжать
run up to (perfective)--подбежать
run away from (perfective)--отбежать
run up to (imperfective)--подбегать
run away from (imperfective)--отбегать
take or take back [on foot] (perfective)--отнести
take or take back [on foot] (imperfective)--относить
take (lead) somebody (imperfective)--отводить
take (lead) somebody (perfective)--отвести
drop in on smb. (imperfective)--заходить
drop in on smb. (perfective)--зайти
come for a short visit; come and pick up (imperfective)--заезжать
come for a short visit; come and pick up (perfective)--заехать
cross (imperfective)--переходить
cross (perfective)--перейти
take another job (perfective)--перейти на другую работу
take another job (imperfective)--переходить на др. работу
walk by (perfective)--пройти (мимо)
miss (one’s stop) (perfective)--проехать (остановку)
walk as far as (imperfective)--доходить
go (by vehicle) as far as (perfective)--доехать
take off [about plane] (imperfective)--взлетать
take off [about plane] (perfective)--взлететь
rise (about sun) (imperfective)--всходить
rise (about sun) (perfective)--взойти
to go somewhere and get back [on foot] (perfective)--сходить
to go somewhere and get back [by vehicle] (imperfective)--съездить
p. 240
The concept of unidirectional motion vs. multidirectional motion does not apply to prefixed verbs of motion. Prefixed verbs of motion belong to the category of verbs that denote “reversible” actions (see Chapter 4, p. 121). When referring to a one-time action, the past tense imperfective indicates that the action occurred but its result is no longer in force; the past tense perfective indicates that the result is still in force.
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