Your final grade will be calculated in the following manner:
six semester exams 40%
the final exam 20%
daily homework 20%
class performance 10%
quizzes 10%
In the Spring Semester we will cover the six remaining lessons, 7-12, of the text-book “Russian Grammar in Context.” Each lesson will be followed by an exam, which will last for one class period. Before each exam I will discuss with you its form, material, assignments. At the end of the semester, the lowestexam grade will be dropped, and the remainder will be averaged to give the overall exam grade for the semester. With the exception of an emergency, no make-up exam will be given unless you attain prior approval from me.
There will be a comprehensive final exam, which will focus on chapters 7-12 but will also include material from the previous six chapters. The final will include a short oral exam. During the last week of classes I will dis­cuss the format of the final with you.
These assignments should be handed in on time. Homework turned in late will be marked down one grade and no assignment will be accepted more than one class period after it is due. Each assignment will be graded according to the following scale: 3 points for a job well done, 2 points for good work that contains more than a few mistakes, 1 point if the assignment is done poorly, and no points if you fail to hand it in.
You are not only expected to attend every class but must also be prepared to participate in it. Among other things, this means spending enough time on each day’s assignment to internalize the grammar and prepare reading passages and oral activities in the textbook. For each day’s lesson I will expect you to:
1) know the assigned grammar well enough to work with it adeptly in class;
2) be able to move through all activities and oral drills quickly and correctly; and
3) to be able to read assigned texts in Russian at a natural conversational pace; translate them into English without hesitation, and be prepared to ask and answer questions about them in Russian.
Each class period you will be graded on a 3, 2, 1, 0 points scale: You will receive 3 points for being well prepared and con­tributing frequently and correctly, 2 points if you meet most of the goals outlined in the paragraph above, 1 point if you attend class but are unable to participate effectively, and no points if you are absent.
About Assignments in  Ïóòè
1. Written Assignments
Unless otherwise noted in bold print, you are not required to write out any of the activities or drills in the textbook (Ó÷åáíèê). Written assignments to be turned in as homework are in the Lab Manual/Workbook. (Note: If it makes it easier for you to participate in classroom drills and activities by writing answers down in your textbook, feel free to do so. A written record of correct answers could be quite helpful when the time comes to study for a quiz or test.)
2. Grammar
You should internalize all grammatical concepts and stylistic notes for each day`s assignment in the section devoted to grammar (Ãîâîðèòå ïðàâèëüíî) in the textbook.
3. In-class (Oral) Exercises
Exercises to be completed orally in class are noted in the syllabus after the keyword "óñòíî." Almost all of them are located in the textbook (ó÷åáíèê). You should be prepared to do whatever the exercise asks for without hesitation. In five of the six lessons we will translate long passages of Tolstoi`s novel Anna Karenina into English. Prepare these assignments carefully at home so that we can move through them quickly. They are located in the Lab Manual/Workbook, so be sure to bring this book to class on the days when these translations are assigned.
4. Reading Passages
You should be prepared to read, translate into English, and answer questions in Russian on all reading passages (stories, dialogues, diary entries, etc.) that fall within a given assignment in the textbook (ó÷åáíèê). Prepare these assignments in advance so we can complete them quickly and productively.
Home assignments
Denotes an audio exercise using the tapes that come with the Lab Manual/Workbook.
Underlining means that you can complete the exercise on the workbook page; all other assignments must be written out on a separate sheet of paper.
*** denotes factual material that will appear on chapter tests.
Quizzes may be administered on an occasional or daily basis. Quizzes may cover grammar, vocabulary, translation, listening or reading exercises, or any combination of the above. At the end of the semester, the lowest three quiz grades will be dropped, and the remainder will be averaged to give the overall quiz grade for the semester.
Russian, as you probably realize, is a challenging language. There will likely be times this semester when you will find your study of it to be frustrating, daunting, overwhelming, or all of the above. When you encounter those occasions, please do not lose heart (or, as the Russians say, ne otchaivaites`)! I invite you to come and meet with me one on one, or in small groups, in my office for extra help or moral support whenever you feel the need. You are welcome to stop by duringmy office hours anytime without a prior appointment. If those times are not convenient for you, please get in touch and let me know what time is better, and I will be happy to accommodate your needs.
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